Appel à candidatures : AfRIC2024

Afric2024 Université Senghor


The 1st edition of AfRIC and PHD PROJECT-Africa Doctoral Consortium (AfRIC 2022), also the kickoff of SIEWA Initiative, took place online from UCLouvain, Belgium on 24-26  October 2022.

Fast facts include 200+ registered participants, 100+ speakers (from academia, top level  policy makers, industry, entrepreneurs as well as civil society organization), 15+ rectors,  deans and other HEIs’ leaders engaged, 30+ PhD students research projects  presentations, 10+ supportive scientific journals Editors (6 internationals and 4  francophones), 8 International Publishers involved. (For more details see :

SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORLDWIDE/AFRICA  INITIATIVE : a real-world laboratory to accelerate transition with Africa (SIEWA Initiative)

SIEWA Initiative is an emerging social and sustainable impactful, international,  transdisciplinary, multilevel, cross-sector and cross-cultural based consortium with already  more than 25+ universities and research initiatives members and supportive top-level  policy makers and international organizations.


SIEWA Initiative, UCLouvain (Belgium), Université Senghor (Egypt) and Bibliotheca  Alexandrina (Egypt) are glad to announce the second edition of African Research Initiative  Conference and PHD Project-Africa Doctoral Consortium (AfRIC 2024) on 4-15 November  2024 in Alexandria.

SIEWA Initiative, UCLouvain, Université Senghor, Bibliotheca Alexandrina in collaboration  with OECD EECOLE, ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia), UN  PRME (the Impactful Five (i5) and PRME Chapter Africa), Marketplace Simulation,  INSME-International Network for SMEs will gather academia (university leaders, faculty,  students), businesses, governments, and sustainable development organizations for the  second edition of African Research Initiative and PHD Project-Africa Doctoral Consortium  (AfRIC 2024), from 4-15 November 2024, in Alexandria, Egypt. We are also very pleased  to announce that the Smith School of Enterprise and The Environment, University of  Oxford joined our short list of distinguished supporters namely AFAM (African Academy of  Management), CAMES (the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education) through  its research thematic programs (CTS (Comité Technique Spécialisé) Sciences  Economiques et Gestion; PTR (Programme Thématique de Recherche) Santé ; PTR  Socio-économie et Marché) as well as AABS (the African Association of Business School), (the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network). This event is also  supported by many scientific journals and publishers.

Building on the general theme of AfRIC, Fostering Sustainable Innovative  Entrepreneurship Research Ecosystem and its impacts worldwide, the AfRIC 2024 edition  will embrace the key theme of climate change and green growth in the context of Africa  and will discuss new emerging agendas in higher education, sustainability, innovation,  entrepreneurship vis-à-vis the climate and green growth challenges in Africa and beyond.

Engaging with education for more impact, the first ‘Pan African Bootcamp for Early Green  Growth and Business Acceleration: Building a next generation of Innovative Change  Makers and Sustainable Startups’ will be part of this event. This second edition also aim  to build closer Africa-ASEAN-Latin American ties for more cross-fertilization and impact from global south perspective. While creating a place for the SIEWA community to gather,  the event also invites partnering organizations and supportive top level policy makers to  the stage to help live out the theme “Connecting the unconnected for more cross fertilization, make the difference and have Impact at Global level”.


The general objective of the African research initiative conference is to allow discussions  about the progress on sustainable innovative entrepreneurship with Africa through  transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary perspectives. The key theme of this second edition is  climate change and green growth while the specific objectives are:

  • To provide a safe experimental and transformative space for building a next  generation of innovative change makers and sustainable start-ups.
  • To provide space for knowledge sharing among young scholars interested in topics  related to sustainable development, innovation and entrepreneurship for more  socio-economic development, wellbeing and peace with Africa.
  • To provide opportunities for PhD candidates & early career researchers to present  and discuss their work to members of the SIEWA Initiative Scientific Board/  supportive international experts, and to receive scientific advice as feedback.
  • To offer the possibility to prepare and submit full manuscripts for publication in the  Special Issues edited by the 2nd AfRIC organizing committee.
  • To provide space for an extensive network of academics, policy makers,  practitioners, and community-based organizations to advance new knowledge by  tapping leading edge research connecting real-life problems to the production of  scientific knowledge.

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